EWUF Provisionally Suspended as IWUF Member

On 15th April 2021, the IWUF Executive Board has decided to follow the recommendation of the IWUF Ethics Committee in connection with an ongoing investigation concerning the European Wushu Kungfu Federation (hereinafter “EWUF”), and has decided, in accordance with Art. J.3 of the IWUF Code of Ethics and Art. 36 of the IWUF Constitution, to provisionally suspend the recognition of EWUF as Continental Federation for the European Continent in the meaning of Art. 4.1 of the IWUF Constitution effective immediately.

Authorized by the IWUF Executive Board in July 2020, the IWUF Ethics Committee has conducted an investigation on EWUF, following multiple complaints filed with IWUF and alleging improper activities by EWUF and some of its representatives. The IWUF Ethics Committee submitted its First Interim Report on November 24th, 2020 during the 37th IWUF Executive Board Meeting held virtually, and a Second Interim Report to the Executive Board on April 10th, 2021. In the Second Report, the Ethics Committee has made recommendations to the Executive Board of IWUF in respect of safeguarding the ethical principle and IWUF Constiution on basis of its investigation discoveries.

The imposed provisional suspension of the recognition of EWUF as Continental Federation does not prohibit any European IWUF member nor any European athlete to continue to be a member of IWUF and/or continue to participate at any competition supported, approved or organized by IWUF and/or its members.

Currently, the investigation by the IWUF Ethics Committee is still ongoing. The IWUF will inform in due course, once a final decision on the matter has been taken following due procedure.